In just a few short weeks, we've done so much - hopefully this will give a glimpse of our busy September!
We went back to the beautiful beach,
And enjoyed it with swimming, swimming, and more swimming!
We re-took an old picture with new siblings - the furry faces have changed, and we've added three more not-so-furry!
And one of just our footprints.
And we came back home in time to paint Daddy's office. Of course, there are too many of us to paint the walls of one small office, so the kids ate pizza:
And painted pictures in the hall. We made quite the spectacle for passers
We celebrated FOUR years with our amazing Karwen on August 27th! Unbelievable - we can't imagine life without her!!!
Chocolate cake and garlic noodles were what she picked for dinner.
We went to Kassi's first birthday party where the theme was Kolya's alternate identity: Rob*n Hood!
Lovely friends brought us dinner many times - once arriving with these stunning cookies! (Thank you so much!!!!)
We prepared for a hurricane (and built up our strength with hot chocolate and Kassi's first marshmallow),
We slept through the hurricane with friends and a bedroom fort,
And we cleaned up the (minimal!) damage that it left.
We ate mangos and made friendship bracelets while we waited for power to come back on,
And we had campfires in the evening with more marshmallows!
We've watched butterflies, and hatched them - Kassi was so surprised that butterflies come from caterpillars!
We've rolled down hills:
And Kassi learned to swing!
We visited Mawmaw and Papa for a few days after the storm where we "fished" for minnows,
Kellin tried out his new stand-up paddle board,
And helped Papa mow the yard!
Then, he taught Kade some guitar!
A while later, Mawmaw called to say that she had an uninvited guest in her yard, so we brought "Billina Cluck-Cluck" home with us until we could find her a good home (where she is now).
Yes, that is a chicken! She was so very sweet, and we were all sad to see her leave, but our dogs and a chicken are not compatible.
Kassi has started learning to read English, and when we reached the letter "C", one of the examples in her workbook was cake and so, of course we had to make some!
She made most of it all by herself:
With just a tiny bit of help!

Pumpkin cake, with caramel frosting, and a beautifully decorated top!
It was delicious! :D
We went apple-picking 2 weeks later with our "hurricane friends" which was so much fun!!!
We're still eating apples!
We camped in the Blue Ridge mountains of Georgia for a few days.
So incredibly beautiful - with a lake where we went kayaking!
While we were there, we talked to the management of the campground because there was no soap in the bathrooms that was accessible for wheelchairs or people who can't quite reach the same way! Thankfully, they were super kind and put new soap out within hours!!! This experience made Kassi SO happy! People actually willing to help out and make things easier for wheelchairs?!
Thank you notes were definitely in order!
We came home and got haircuts...
And then, the next weekend we headed off to Tampa for Shriner's appointments! (More on that soon.) We stayed in a lovely hotel/condo with a stunning view of the ocean. We saw more grandparents while we were there, and got mostly good news at Shriner's! Everyone has made so many amazing strides - the doctors and nurses were impressed!
Waking up to this every day certainly made heading off for 6-hour (no, I'm not kidding!) appointments easier!
We came home a few days ago and started off October with the discovery that whipped cream is definitely a good thing!

All in all, September was a wonderful month! |